
class grbl_ros.device.grbl_node[source]

A ROS2 node representing a single GRBL device.

This nodes main function is to publish the real-time pose of the GRBL device as a ROS2 transform (tf). Additionally it enables the ROS2 user to send GCODE commands and files to the GRBL device and monitor its status.


Feedback function during the send_gcode_file ROS2 aciton.

This feedback callback can be called during the send_gcode_file in order to provide feedback to the user as the ROS2 action is executed.


Send GCODE ROS2 action callback.

This is the callback called each time the ROS2 send_gcode_cmd action is called.


Send GCODE file ROS2 action callback.

This is the callback called each time the ROS2 send_gcode_file action is called and calls the send_gcode_cmd action for each line in the given file.